BlackHole Protocol Airdrop User Guide

Blackhole Protocol
3 min readMay 1, 2021


Congratulations on our succesful launch! As a community driven project. We are excited to announce an #Airdrop $BLACK to those who participated in the whitelisting process

The conditions for participation in this airdrop?

Applicants from KOL/Ambassador rounds on which addresses we’re not chosen will be prioritized.

Applicants from the WeStarter IDO whitelisting process on which addresses we’re not chosen will be prioritize

Applicants from the Bounce IDO whitelisting process on which addresses we’re not chosen will be prioritize

What is iBLACK

iBLACK is the certificate to swap/activate for BLACK. Only users who hold iBLACK could get BLACK during MAY 1ST 21:00 SGT — MAY. 4th 21:00 SGT( ⚠️iBLACK cannot be activated before/after that time period)

iBLACK activate/swap formula: 1 iBLACK+0.05BUSD 👉 1 BLACK

⚠️The lifetime of iBLACK is from MAY 1ST 21:00 SGT — MAY. 4th 21:00 SGT. Please be sure to activate the iBLACK within the validity period.

iBLACK Contract Address 0x04adbe36c4d39e6ec799f69906a48d83f88dc268

Please check in your wallet to see if you have received airdrop quota

Airdrop claim guide step by step

  1. Open the BlackHole Protocol website at and click on “Airdrop” in the upper right corner.

2. Click on the Connect Wallet

Note: If you have connected a wallet, please make sure the connection is to a BSC mainnet, if not, please switch the BSC mainnet.

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3.You will see the amount of iBLACKs in your wallet, and the amount of BUSD required to exercise (to exchange $BLACKs), click “Activate” to exercise.

Note: 1) Please make sure that your wallet is a BSC wallet.
2) Please make sure you have BUSD in your wallet required to activation.
3)Please make sure you have enough BNB left in your wallet for Gas.

4. The “Activate” process requires 2 steps to complete the operation, the first step is to Approve your BUSD and the second step is to confirm the Activate transaction.

5. Congratulations, you have completed the iBLACK activation ( exchange ) operation, please check the amount of $BLACK you have exchanged in your wallet.

Note: 1) Please Activate between MAY 1ST 21:00 SGT — MAY. 4th 21:00 SGT, after which time they will expire.
2) $BLACK contract address 0xd714d91A169127e11D8FAb3665d72E8b7ef9Dbe2

About Blackhole:

BlackHole Protocol is an approval-free cross-chain burning platform based on Ethereum network. Any user or project governor could create a burning pool by holding BLACK and old Token LP to permanently burn the old Token into a new Token, thus gaining ecological vitality.

BlackHole Protocol originates from Ethereum network and gradually spread to Polkadot, BSC, Heco, SOL and eventually the whole blockchain world. And BLACK Token will inflation suddenly at the very beginning and enter the deflationary model in a flash and keep deflating with the process of ecological reconfiguration.

Address: 0xd714d91A169127e11D8FAb3665d72E8b7ef9Dbe2

Total Supply: 100million



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Blackhole Protocol

An approval-free decentralized & cross-chain burning protocol, innovator of perpetual deflationary blockchain ecosystem.